One Health Day


One Health Day is celebrated November 3 of each year. In 2018, the One Health Committee celebrates One Health Day by putting on our second annual non-traditional continuing education meeting for veterinarians. Alan Graham, recently retired state entomologist for Vermont’s Agency of Ag, Food, & Markets presents a timely Tick ID Session, allowing practitioners to build on knowledge acquired in our February 2018 session on vector-borne infectious diseases.  In two separate sessions from which practitioners can choose, Mr. Graham offers material regarding the most important and medically relevant tick species in Vermont followed by a laboratory session on learning to identify these ticks.  Additionally, One Health information on comparative epidemiology of tick-borne diseases, with a focus on Lyme Disease and Anaplasmosis, will be presented by the One Health Committee.  Veterinarians will have the opportunity for round table discussion of the changing nature of vector-borne diseases being seen in their clinics.  See our workshops on the One Health Day event page!